The IoD Guernsey branch will conclude this year’s Better Director series with a workshop on effective strategy with IoD Tutor, David Joel, on Monday 11th September 2023.
This session, part of IoD Guernsey’s Better Director Build Better Businesses series, sponsored by Aspida, will teach practical tips for creating an organisational vision, purpose and set of values in order to build an effective strategy. The workshop will explore where strategy fits into the hierarchy of business thinking, discuss a process for strategy formulation and identify an approach that aids strategic decision-making.
The member-only interactive training session will be led by IoD Tutor, David Joel. David is a qualified physicist with 22 years in the aerospace and defence sector and 10 years in the services and facilities management sector. He has extensive experience in leadership, finance and business development roles.
Glen Tonks, Chair of the IoD Guernsey, said: ‘In today’s VUCA world having an effective methodology for strategic formulation and selection is crucial for the sustainability of any organisation and yet it falls in to the ‘too difficult pile. However, putting the time in to develop a clear approach to an organisation’s future helps leaders make strategic decisions for months and years to come.’
‘This is our second year of the Better Director series and we have seen another year of high turnout. There is a real drive within our membership and the local business community for continued learning and development, and the IoD is thrilled to cultivate the improvement of those in leadership positions.’
The final Better Director workshop will take place on Monday 11th September at the GTA University Centre.
IoD members can register for the event by emailing: [email protected]
If you are not currently an IoD member and would like to attend, you can find out more about IoD membership here: https://www.iod.gg/about/membership.