The IoD and Chamber note the result of the April States debate concerning the review of air infrastructure.
The business groups say they are disappointed that, despite the significant time and resource used, no progress was made with policy. They add that since the P&R Committee's recommendation was to terminate policy development without a fact-based cost-benefit analysis, it is unsurprising that their recommendation was defeated.
Their statement adds: ’The only meaningful political conclusion has been to pass the mandate for further investigation back to Economic Development. Given the strong progress delivered by the Economic Development Committee over the last year with air links under open skies, the IoD and Chamber are encouraged that the mandate now sits with the committee to progress the evaluation process. The business groups will continue to support their work through constructive engagement with the committee.
‘The election in June next year will present an opportunity for the island as a whole to indicate its support for ensuring Guernsey has great air connections that people can afford to use, making it a fantastic place to live, work and welcome visitors.’