The IoD’s May breakfast, sponsored by Butterfield, will discuss the topic of leadership in a post-pandemic era. A pivotal shift for leaders is currently underway: it is clear that to emerge from the crisis stronger and more resilient, leaders are having to rethink what it means to lead – prioritising purpose, trust, empathy and inclusivity.
The audience will hear from a panel of business leaders, including Evelyn Brady, Managing Partner at PwC, Founder of Leaders Consultancy, Phil Eyre and Non-Executive Director and GTA lecturer, Jill Clark.
The panel moderator will be Wendy Dorey, Chair of the IoD Guernsey branch.
Our panellists will discuss how the pandemic has accelerated leadership trends that have been unfolding over the last decade. As the world has become more digital and complex, the range of decisions that leaders need to make has broadened - spanning from big picture strategic thinking to careful execution, to advancing technology and upskilling & engaging employees.
Throughout this discussion, the panellists will establish what good leadership entails and the key qualities of a strong leader. Finally, they will consider the differences between Guernsey and the UK in relation to common leadership pitfalls and how to achieve balance between the conflicting demands of leading with clarity and agility in such ambiguous and complex times.
Wendy Dorey, Chair of the IoD in Guernsey, said: ‘The IoD is thrilled to welcome Evelyn, Phil and Jill to our panel to discuss one of the IoD’s core aspects of director development - leadership.’
‘The landscape for leadership post-pandemic has fundamentally changed, creating a dramatic shift in how organisations operate, and how leaders lead. Given the challenges of remote working, returning to the office environment and now greater hybrid working, effective leadership and employee development is more important now than ever. This session will highlight the qualities leaders need to operative effectively in this changed environment.’
The May breakfast will take place at the OGH from 7:45 – 09:00 on Friday 27th May. Tickets can be purchased here.
The event will also celebrate the achievements of local directors who have recently passed their IoD Certificate or Diploma in Company Direction.
The IoD committee respectfully requests that all attendees take an LFT before attending. A certificate for IoD members will be issued after the event.