The IoD’s monthly breakfast, sponsored by Butterfield, will take place on 13th October at the OGH.
Representatives from the Policy & Resources Committee and the States Treasury will present their preferred funding models, ahead of the debate in the States on the Funding & Investment Plan and Capital Portfolio.
Together these will address how public services and infrastructure investments are funded, and which infrastructure projects should go ahead.
The breakfast seminar will give business leaders the opportunity to hear how public services and infrastructure investments might be funded in the future, and push further questions to the panel.
The presentation will be led by Deputy Mark Helyar, Vice President and Treasury Lead, along with other members of Policy & Resources.
The IoD hopes that the event will provide a platform for the business community to express its opinions on the funding options and for Deputies to understand the industry’s concerns or preferences ahead of the debate.
The event will take place from 7.45am to 9am at the OGH and will include a light buffet breakfast.
The Funding & Investment Plan policy letter is available here.
You can book your place for the event here.
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